saving this here & also might be of use to others who teach: A THIRD UNIVERSITY IS POSSIBLE

Amanda gave me this link a long time ago & sometimes I open it and read a part of it so as to gather my thoughts about meta-pedagogical concerns/union work/etc.

Awhile back, Jessica posted something wondering about outlets for an essay about the zombie campus--Post-Remote ('m living there, too--and though I have not yet thought of a useful response to that question, I am thinking a lot/always about institutionality and my/our work and secret or subtle pockets of reorganization, etc. Anyway, I read the "Scyborg" chapter of this book this morning & liked it <3

“Title Page” in “A Third University Is Possible” on Manifold @uminnpress (

“You, a Scyborg” in “A Third University Is Possible” on Manifold @uminnpress (
