dark matter

a black and white film photograph, completely dark except for part of an illuminated "way out" sign: the word WAY only.

recently i found a tiny but high-capacity usb drive from nearly a decade ago, and i decided to see what it held. to my joy it had a bunch of old scanned film photos, both 35 and 120 film from the holga toy cameras i was using a lot back then. because of their deliberately low-fi simplicity, a lot of my images came out far more poetically interesting than i could possibly predict. this is why i love low-fi film, toy cameras, instant photos, deliberate error. 

the top image speaks for itself, but the larger image below is perhaps my favorite thing to ever emerge from one of my cameras. i have no idea how it happened. i did not take this photo, certainly not in the sense of pressing a shutter release. i don't know what it shows. i know where i was when it happened, because of the surrounding images. but all i have is a theory involving light leaks and a sort of pinhole-camera effect. the photo, i believe, took itself, from within the soft fleece satchel i'd been using to carry the twin-lens reflex medium-format holga. it's a reminder that collaborations between light and matter will happen without us, even if the matter concerned is in our hands.

happy eclipse, if you're observing.

