from Stanislaw Warda: a huge American picnic

In our life, there are special events which gather people together. It could be a concert by a popular music band, a fascinating sports event, or a religious congregation. This gathering is so obvious for us people that we do not think about it too often. Among these “special events” from time to time we can identify “very special events” that not only gather people but also cause that at this time the behavior of people is a little different. It has been visible this week during the eclipse event.

I want to put aside people’s astronomic knowledge about it, which is so limited in front of a huge universe. This kind of event is so unique because we people do not have any influence on it. The music concerts, sports or religious gatherings are created by the people for people. People can organize it; they can cancel or postpone it as well. People influence these events.

The eclipse event is different. Only one God knows why it happened, why these all-huge universes have been spinning around and what is its goal. I was watching this event from my workplace. Similar to the other enterprises, just before 2pm all the people went outside to admire it. Not too many people bought special glasses, so somebody got the idea to look at the Sun through a special mask which welders use to protect their eyes during their work. I admit that it worked. I looked toward the Sun a couple times. Once, when only one third was covered and later step by step to the total eclipse. I have to say it was spectacular. Astronomy is not my cup of tea, instead, I found the reaction of people more interesting. I got the impression that at that time people became more friendly to each other and in some way were happier. I noticed that they shared the glasses with each other and offered some candies or cookies. Some strangers people came to us, and we talked like we knew each other for a long time. Also, the expression of their faces was interesting. Some looked at it like for a funny event. The others expressions of their faces were like they would have seen a Savior. Many people around us started to show off their astronomic knowledge. Later, when I was watching some news, I found confirmation that in many places of the huge part of US was the same. The eclipse became a huge American picnic.

My attitude toward this event was moderate. On the one hand I enjoyed the event and looked at it as one more fun event which gathers people together. On the other hand I was a little scared because I do not want to know that Me, my whole problems, and my whole person, does mean anything compared to this huge universe.

After a while, I decided I wouldn't think like that. The Moon, although now beautiful and romantic, covered the Sun. I got angry with him. Perhaps that is why the Moon does not enjoy a good reputation in literature. I don't remember exactly, but Romeo and Juliet met in the Moonlight. Also, terrifying events are often associated with the light of the Moon and the howling of wolves.

The eclipse is depressing me, but it won't last long, about an hour. Then I will see my wonderful Sun and my thoughts will be positive. Maybe I don't understand this whole universe, but what's more important is that I'm here on Earth. Yes, Me, my problems, and the people around Me.
