from Katrina Underwood: On Being Elsewhere

On Being Elsewhere 

Vacationing is weird. I enjoy traveling occasionally but for the most part I like staying close to home. Exploring the Midwest. Being close to my things. My routine. I do the same things when I travel as I do when I’m at home. Maybe I never learned how to vacation correctly. Or maybe I’m always on a mental vacation. 

I recently went away for a few days. Technically it wasn’t a vacation but a work conference in Denver. There were vacation like qualities. An airplane. A change in location. The out of office email. I am away until x-date. You will not hear from me until then. Please grieve accordingly. 

When I find myself elsewhere I do the same things I enjoy when at home. I like to pick up a community newspaper, go to a local café, an independent bookstore, walk around various neighborhoods, chat – Do you enjoy living in Denver? How long have you been here? Are there any placed you recommend? Restaurants? Bookstores? Cemeteries? 

I like to imagine who I would be in this space. The mental vacation of fantasy is its own reward. An opportunity for momentary reinvention. What if. It’s somewhere between a dream and a tangible piece of art you’re permitted to touch but not buy. It’s a performance piece. I can taste what it would be to live here. More face tattoos, more litter. An educator discount on my gin cocktail. The best sweet potato pancakes with candied pecans. A used bookstore café that has a wall of vintage pinball machines. The coffee tastes the same if not a bit burnt.

I fall in love so easily with elsewhere. I am a slut for elsewhere. 
