from Stanislaw Warda: The snowball effect of hatred or Welcome to America

                                       The snowball effect of hatred or Welcome to America

What did Donald Trump's daughter feel when she looked at her father during the rally? She was proud of him, she was remembering the time she spent with him as a daughter and father. For her he was not a former president, not a controversial politician or even a millionaire, just a father. Like in many other families, daughters are usually more connected with fathers. Suddenly in one second, this feeling turns into an unimaginable fear that she might lose him. Maybe not, maybe she was ready for it, maybe her father had prepared her during family meetings, that it could happen too. Perhaps he will tell her that even if this happened, do not count on sympathy from others, rather be prepared for the harsh and unfriendly comments that all people who are politicians must face.  Are human beings prepared for live tragedies? 

The family of former fireman also wanted to be on the rally. Finally to meet former president even if for many he was controversial person was a big deal for average people. How could look their last hour together. Perhaps during the way for rally they argued who will be better president. Maybe they thought about dinner after the rally when they should feel good and have fun. Or simply then would listen to the daily problems of their daughters from the playgrounds.  After the assassination attempt, the press said that he died when he went to shield her family.  Probably during those few seconds or even less nobody knows how it happened. The fact is that it was their last family discussion, or talking about normal issues like families do. For his family it always will be not finished conversations. Enough, despair is so huge that words are unnecessary.

What might the mother of the young attacker have felt? She remembers him as a child and was curious about what he would be like when he grew up. Will he be a good man? Perhaps he will be someone important, a doctor or a lawyer? Perhaps she and her family were enjoying some quality time with family and friends while her child was shooting at the former US president. Perhaps everyone watched Donald Trump’s rally, joked about it, or discussed it enthusiastically.

An hour later everything changed. It could have been a loud knock on the door and a storm from a group of secret service agents who immediately turned the whole house upside down, and then the worst news that her son was dead. He's dead because he was a murderer.

What can a mother feel at this moment? A time when suddenly there is no one close to you, all doors are closed, friends are gone. Only questions could remain. What happened, at what point did I make a mistake, why? How at this moment they recall the memory of his childhood, her dreams of his future. How terrible sadness can be at this moment, how difficult it is to love then.

 When does the moment begin when we are no longer the most important people to our children and our place is taken by other, often bad, people? People who lead our children the wrong way because they don't care. They don't care because they didn't watch them when they were a child, they don't care because they didn't see how interesting a child can be, how many wise questions he has? Questions that we, adults, cannot always find the right answer to or do not have enough patience and strength to answer. How often do parents still know so little to point them in the right direction?

  At  work  I spotted a short conversation among workers. “Today I will teach my son how to use a gun, how to shoot. He said in this manner like some people say, “My son starts study for Harvard.”  I got the impression that he was less proud of his son but more of himself that he would have the opportunity to teach his son – what? How to catch a fish, light a fire during camp, or fix a car.?

I know those people. They represent average American’s families. They do not even represent the middle class.  Their possessions usually are the house in debt with installment, a car or even two cars with some burdens with they have to face with average job and salary. Those salaries are always not big enough because for education usually was not time or people were too tired after overtime working.  Besides children, some of them have a dog, a few have cats. It seems that in this situation, owning a gun would be the last wish. Unfortunately, many of them applied to have gun, and possess it. I did not see  the family home of the young assassin who shot at Donald Trump, I have no intention of going there, but media show the modest home typical for America.

The second amendment which was created from the beginning of the US was created for the half wide country. The country where in many regions was not administration and police. The possessed gun often was the only one way to protect a family. Unfortunately together with the first settlers from the whole world to America locked also the “blue birds” from the whole world. Blue birds usually mean outlaws. Since this time passed 3 centuries. The US is an example of democracy and superpower. The right created a long time ago does not always fit into modern times. Although the trend to possess a gun is strong. It is strong to this way that many current and newly elected politicians do not want to discuss it or even mention discussion about it, because it would be connected with loose support to their voters. It is not logical, but it is true. 

So often in media is discussion about battlefield syndrome. Many soldiers who come back from Iraq or Afghanistan have to get help to come back to normal life. I got the impression that this kind of help is needed by our whole society. 

What was motivations for 19-year killer?  Who could be Donld Trump for him to created so big hatred in young mind. From which sources he gets information about him? From a family home, or maybe the media.  If yes, so what is the level of political discussions in our environment?  What is the level of political discussion in the media? Is there language of hatred? All media called “If Trump won, it would be an end of democracy.” One more time they sometimes portrayed It like it would be “The End of the World.”  Is it true? He was already the President of the US and was not the end of the world.

Who knows after so big brainwashing what would be created in young mind. Perhaps he thought that he would be a hero of America. Perhaps he thought that Hollywood would produce a movie about him. Why not, so many movies glorify crime. In Chicago, the place where Al Capone killed people, there is not place of worship, but instead a tourist attraction. In Chicago media’s the daily information almost constant starts from shouting in the city. Somebody would get the impression that the media love that kind of information. This my writing is calling in the wilderness, nobody cares about it. 

Merely one month passed since assassination attempt of former President of US , but nobody talks about it.  Since this time America had new victims of shooting. I turned on the TV, news starts like usually, “four victims of shouting in Chicago Night club.” Almost normal things -Welcome to America. 
