
i hadn't anticipated posting this here because i'd been working in a different direction in using this space. but it is important to roll with my intuition now & this is the only place i can foresee as safe for putting out what i have to say.

my wonderful cat jet died on friday. some of you knew him. he was somewhere around 14 or 15 years old. an undetected cancer had settled into his lungs some months ago & we knew he would not tolerate any invasive treatments once the cancer was known. my spouse rupert & i were pretty much a mess all weekend but we're more stable now. my intensified zen buddhist practice has helped with the grieving--i may say more about that at some point, but not now.

for now i want to put up a video i took of rupert & jet about ten years ago. it's what we call the "tail awareness training video" & it communicates some of why jet was one of my best physical comedy mentors. 

here is a poem i wrote on my phone the day i saw the x-rays showing his lungs:

the xray shows the starry 

lungs, two triangles like a

strange church window, a

night sky inside the small

ribcage. what a cosmos in

an old cat, my little man, 

my friend. the stars are a

long mystery, no easy out-

comes, no knowledge yet,

only suggestion, only run-

ons and comma splices in

a tumble side to side, little

white letters on a black 


jet will always be the cat in this movie.


  1. Jay, I am so sorry to hear this. I didn't know Jet, but this is a beautiful poem, and the video is really funny! What a loss: thinking of you, sending star-sized love.

    1. thanks, philip. yes, the vid is hilarious! that's just a taste of his comic genius & the way he could inspire us to ever greater goofiness. he was a wonderful & wise being who changed our lives.


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