from Stanislaw Warda: Slimming Agent

     Stanislaw Warda.

                                                                     Slimming agent

 I decided to stick through with English because communications in this huge melting pot like Chicago, among people through the whole world and many of accents may remind everything, but not proper English.  I would assumed the class would be empty because I got contradictory information  but I wanted to check  it. I opened the door; empty three rows of the bunch, on the board fragments of some sentences, scribbles but the worst was this silence , the silence of the empty class room.   It was such a sad view that It petrify me . I got impression like I was looking at an old wall’s picture in a cave , which survived and is the only witness of the old cultures. My imagination sailed further. If there is empty class, so there is an empty corridor and would be the empty school’s building. I hope not.  I also recalled pictures of young women walking with the dogs. Some of them are sitting in the strollers like children. It is a sign of the times. 

The big families now we can see mostly only at  old families pictures. Some want to point to the stereotype that a large family must be neglected, poor or from the crime environment. Unfortunately many people believe in it. The sociological changes in our contemporary world cause that people have other priorities. Now young parents think in a different way. The most important became not quantity of children but good education, money, and career which lead to the good life. All of it is costly but it is recipe for better life’s start.  It caused that contemporary model of family is 2+2 + one or two pets, sometimes more pets. The large families with many children is portrayed like “the last Mohicans.” 

 The trend now is not women taking care of many children, but women being fighters. They are fighters about their rights which according to them are still insufficient. The main  right  of those fighters is the right to abortion in each time of pregnency.  This topic still is in the media's spotlight.  In this case are some rules. If a woman shouts and swears  the loudest, additionally is aggressive with the  fights with the police, she almost immediately is portrayed by the media as a leader and fighter about women rights. I wonder if police instead of hold them in the jail cells would hold them in those empty classes it would not bring better result. 

Since the time of first suffragists and their fight for women rights passed many years. The suffragist women in that one time had fight about vote rights. Their fight did not violate the Ten Commandments. Now the right to abortion is in conflict with 6th commandment. What would happen when we reject the next good command?  If we reject one or two, why not everything? Perhaps for some time women’s protesters will be caring the banners with the signs “ We should have the right to steal,“ “We should have the right to the things of others.” The following banners would contain the saying “We want the right to desire all wives“; I wonder why only wives, not husbands too. 

The one dove from these rules, one exception is former pageant winner Miss Utah State and Miss USA contestant. Accidentally I got her and her family pictures on Facebook. The picture portrayed slim, tall, and still beautiful woman together with her husband and their eight children. They all are working for family farm and enjoy life. Somehow the media did not show these kinds of families during their programs. What would they show? For their perspective normal families and their life is boring. It is not news. People want to watch something different, daily shooting, celebrities, their romance, divorces, and everything from the Kardashian’s world.

When I watched tv sometimes I get impression that “our prosperity can destroy our civilization.” It would not be the first time in history. After us, will remain the old excavation, sometimes fragments of writing or jewelry.

 I do not know the remedy to change this trend but Miss Utah would. When I looked at her figure, I think she can be the ambassador of huge families. Also, she would be a person who advertises slimming products. It would be a call for all women “ If you want to be still young and slim, only bear 8 children”, who knows. I got the impression that it will work better than many other incentives and requests. It probably will cause wars with many medias and fitness promoters but perhaps our school’s classrooms will still be full of children.
