from Stanislaw Warda: Hot Friday Night

Hot Friday night

Finally, its Friday, and only a couple hours more and I will have my weekend. It is so good that we have weekends days, because people deserve them. I usually think in this way on the end of long weekday, and at this time I usually plan what I should do during my free time. These my Fridays are similar after my work, I take a shower, eat lunch and take a short nap. Later, as usually I like to go for my favorite weekly event, which is Argentine’s tango dance, this time was the same.

My nap this time was a little longer, so I was in a hurry. I packed my belongs, usually it is my laptop and go to sort out a few things, take some money, buy gas, and perhaps buy a small caffe at Starbucks. “We will see!”, I thought.

At my gas station, I call this way the Shell station when I usually tank my car, I met at work my favorite clerk. I said “Are you here? You should go out, not be at work at this time.” He spread his hands and give me a smile. I was in the hurry it was late; I did not want to miss my dances, but I on the way back I decided to stop by my local Starbucks. Unconsciously, I grabbed my laptop. I am always doing this because I like to write at Starbucks. Next to my favorite table was siting a girl. I remembered that I have to improve a few sentences in my English paper, so I almost without thinking asked her if she liked English Grammar. She said “yes” and she improved all my mistakes. During our short chat she told me that she had to go back to work to Popeyes where she is manager. She also told me that she like to work there, although sometimes, customers are not pleasant, but she can handle it. She also told me that she is studying and paying for her classes in similar way like me. She was so nice that I let it slip that I just graduated this school, but I still afraid to say it because I shame about my English.

On the way to home, I thought about how lucky I am. I am met person who checks my paper very fast and without any hesitation. Sometimes, I must wait a couple days to find a tutor.

At home when was I ironing my shirt, I heard a short tv story of the Ford owner company who came to the London in business issues. At this time he already was a billionaire. In the hotel he asks a clerk to find him the cheapest hotel. Ford respond to amazed clerk, “I do not have to spend money for expensive hotel, I also can rest in cheap one. I became billionaire because I know who I am and what is important in life. I do not care about what people think about me”.

I took the shower and started to think how lucky I am. I met my favorite seller on the gas station, very nice person in my Starbucks and additional I was listened to the smart words of smart man. When I started to think about them, I thought that it is Friday night, I prepare for dance but those all people who I met today are working. They work on Friday nights, but they do not complain about it like most people. I took my shower, and I thought, I prepare for dance like usually, but if I have to do it. What happen if I don’t this? Do I have to do it each Friday? I feel embarrassed. So many people currently do not have free time and it’s ok, they do not only complain, but they are glad that they are doing something smart. I took my shower, and I did not go to dance. I decided to stay at home. To make these decisions helped me the words of my father who often repeat, “In places where you are welcome, show up occasionally. In places where you are unwelcome, don’t go”. I fill a glass of my favorite red wine and opened my computer. I started to write.
