from Stanislaw Warda: Halloween paragraph


Halloween paragraph.

“We offer you a final expense program”, this kind of telephone call would be an example of
black humor, but it is not. It would be a shocking advertisement for anyone, especially for someone who
not too long ago was asked to show their ID when entering a bar.

This kind of advertisement could remind you that you are not only a person who has feelings, can love,
or dream, but that you are also a part of a serious business. The worst thing from your perspective is
that you are not able to quit or unsubscribe from this business, no way, there is no option like that.
Nevertheless, it does not mean that you are hopeless. You can take a stance. From the beginning, in
your childhood you have the right to pick your favorite Halloween costume. Later in your life path, you
can visit a bunch of doctors and still have hope that there is a long way in front of you. Finally, you have
the right to pick your coffin, its color and material. Then, they offer you a special discount for your place
of final rest. We are so wonderfully secure and we do not have to worry what happens after our life.
