"& the built world trembles with the strain of the long-held/ breath"
The title of this post is from Jay Besemer's new book.
(Phil got it and read it over his own Spring Break, and now I am on Spring Break and reading it. I also just finished--thank you to the always stylish and charming book curation of Sara Wainscott!--Elspeth Barker's O Caledonia.)
I'm thinking of wind.
Elspeth Barker: " . . . the most beautiful, the most haunting and haunted, was the wind of dawn, which brought the next day, and whirled the past off into the breaking clouds: a wind thrilling and melancholy, tender and cruel, a wind of beginning and ending."
And breath.
I mean: I am also thinking of breath.
Jay: "& the built world trembles with the strain of the long-held/ breath" . . .
I jotted down both of these bits into my journal (I can do that because I am on break!), and I don't know what I want to say but that I want to think about a wind-breath that hangs behind the architecture of teeth and then whirls the past right off, by virtue of its blowiness.
(Haven't read it in years, but a note here about a book that I know I loved: Christine Hume's Ventifacts.)
This wind-breath I am thinking about might be able to make an appearance (ha! that foolish way that wind can "appear"!) in the poetry novel I am writing/trying to write/maybe writing about a girl who hears a vampire on a call-in radio show. Imagine the wind outside the window in a tornado-y way. Imagine breath on the radio broadcast.
And this confluence blew in to my email reading of Rhian Sasseen's substack: "Walking at a distance, the body moves forward automatically. Crossing a street becomes a kind of autopilot; pausing to let a car or fellow pedestrian pass by is a surprisingly mindless action, too. The body’s relationship to space shifts into that of an observer, freeing the mind to wander into uncharted territory. 'Architecture,' wrote the Situationist Ivan Chtcheglov, 'is the simplest means of articulating time and space, of modulating reality and engendering dreams.' This quotation comes from his 1953 essay 'Formulary for a New Urbanism' (you can read the rest of the essay, as translated by Ken Knabb, here)."
“Architecture . . . is the simplest means of articulating time and space, of modulating reality and engendering dreams.”
I think there is something there about wind and breath being held at a gate of teeth. And how such a force might be harnessed to articulate time and space, modulate reality, and engender dreams.
Jay again: "i'm well aware my wonder won't fill your/ account."
Jay's new book, _The Horse_, is a marvel, and I read it as I was also reading Goethe's "Campaign in France, 1792." That book is full of horses. Some grisly horses, stumbling over their own viscera in battle or crushed by wagon wheels, and one horse that was captured by the Prussians, only then to escape and miraculously return to its French family. They celebrated the horse's reappearance but were terrified it would be taken again, so they hid it in an upstairs room behind stacks of hay. The Prussians returned, found the horse, and retook it. I love the hidden horse. I imagine it climbing the stairs to a little room, and trying to stay quiet, trying to hide its big horsey body, perhaps even holding its breath, only to be discovered by Prussian officers.
ReplyDeleteLast night, I wrote this acrostic: What Is Nothing Doing
thank you 💚💚 it's funny, i am reading platonov's CHEVENGUR, one of whose characters is a cart horse named Strength of the Proletariat. i'm getting the sense that the horse is the only non-satirical figure in the book, though maybe there will be a startling third-act reveal...horses are so loaded (no pun intended) it would be surprising if the name was the most symbolic thing about this one.
Deletewhen i wrote the book, i failed to include some horse forms that were & are important: kelpies, the shapeshifting water horses from celtic myth. i've always loved the kelpies around buckingham fountain so it was a bit odd when i realized i had not put them in the book! but i had to get a tattoo of two intertwined kissing kelpies before i made that connection. some resonances sneak up on me, not revealing themselves until i'm sure to recognize their significance.
i saw the title in the email olivia sent out & i said, "hey, that's one of mine, innit?"😆 thanks for the honor, of course, & i'm glad you have time for journaling with my book. (we could take advantage of this time!) you & phil have always, always stood by me & my work & i am unbelievably grateful. this piece comes at a time when i really needed this kind of affirmation--i'm despairing of the near-impossibility of being able to communicate effectively. i've been running up against that so much these days. it's a problem that has always haunted me, & as a poet it feels like an absurd one to have. but maybe not. maybe that's what empowers the poems that come through.
ReplyDeleteso, breath. the thing about the gate of teeth, & how the wind of the breath can be harnessed. i've noticed that since returning to zen practice over the last 10 months i seem to be harnessing that breath to do-make-move all the things you mention. sitting zazen involves attention to the breath & the maintaining of a certain breathing pattern or method. i am strongly inclined to attribute the changes in my awareness & body reality to this breath change. maybe it isn't the only factor, but it feels very strong & very relevant.
when i wrote THE HORSE i was having trouble breathing. is that a surprise?
These are wonderful notes, Jay! We're committed Besemer fans here.