from Nonna

The fungus can overtake inert bodies. Through the fungus, we can become information or nutrition. Last summer, I came around a corner by the river, onto a little path along a big lawn with maple trees and catalpas and cottonwoods and oaks. It had been raining and raining an unprecedented rain, because, of course, the air holds more of its water now. So much rain had fallen that parts of the city were submerged. Photographs and videos appeared online of dim flooded basements, of disused refrigerators and cardboard boxes half covered in water. And here on this tree-filled lawn was a massive bloom of mushrooms. Thousands, it seemed, of white capped mushrooms. Arthur Doyle in Sir Nigel offers this woodcut relief: “For the rain had ceased at last, and a sickly autumn sun shone upon a land which was soaked and sodden with water. . . . The fields were spotted with monstrous fungi of a size and color never matched before—scarlet and mauve and liver and black.” When I returned a few days later, the mushrooms had all vanished. Weather and mushrooms. Weather and Houghton’s spirits: “November days are not favourable for photography. . . . the weather was absolutely too dark to do anything.” The spirit-mushrooms are barometric. Their undersides are covered with gills. They sprout for the camera, and they disappear.  
