via my email, from Laaura Goldstein

via my email, from Laaura Goldstein:

Hi Friends!

I'll be reading from my first collection of poetry loaded arc this Thursday night at the PO BOX Collective as the featured reader for their open mic fundraiser. It would be great to see you there or even hear you read at the open mic! There will be a writing workshop beforehand starting at 6:30 led by cean gamalinda. Reading starts at 8 (doors at 7:30).

The PO BOX is a wonderful neighborhood organization that sits right at the corner of Glenwood and Farwell in Rogers Park. This community space, which used to be an actual PO BOX station has hosted a variety of events for the last several years to serve our neighborhood as a food pantry, art gallery, warming center, reading space, seed + zine library, + so much more. Right now, the PO Box Collective needs help staying afloat. Please help our community out by sending 5 or 10 bucks. Money will go to rent, bills, and operating costs. You can make donations here:
